The Enchanting Blue Hour of Phototraphy

Most people have heard of Golden Hour, but my current obsession has been Blue Hour. It’s that fading light of dusk that makes everything a cool shade of blue and somehow it’s just as magical as golden hour.


Blue hour is romantic and magical because the light is fading quickly and it’s those last few moments before it’s truly dark where you just feel drawn out - waiting to see how much longer you can hold onto the day.

In the summer, it’s something I usually completely miss out on because that’s the time of day I’m putting my daughter to bed and washing those last dishes of the day, so on the rare occasion when I find myself outside at dusk, I really do feel like I want to linger and hold onto it till every last bit of light is gone.

For photography, Blue Hour is an invitation to make more artistic images. There are no strong rays of sunlight to play with. I absolutely love it. Bringing in a fire, a sparkler, or a flashlight creates an enchanting thecontrast between the flat blue light and the flames, sparks, and beams of light. The warm glow of fire on skin touches a totally different part of me than the warm intensity of Golden Hour light.

I’d love to know what you think! Leave a comment below. Would you want photos taken during Blue Hour or do you prefer Golden Hour? Why?


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