“Mini”malist Photograpy

My Mini Sessions are not like anyone else’s. I think photographers - including myself - have been either over-delivering or under-delivering as we’ve tried to figure out what people really want.

For a long time, family Photography was something you’d go to JC Penny’s for. You’d pay for a session and then pay per image. They’d print them and you didn’t really get digital files.

Then with digital cameras being easier to obtain, we could have as many photos as we wanted. So we went a little crazy and gave clients hundreds of photos. It was so overwhelming for everyone involved.

Nowadays Mini Sessions are the thing. We book back-to-back sessions that are so short that everyone involved is stressed out of their minds and all we have to show for it is 5 to 10 images.

I’m trying something different.

It’s called Minimalist Sessions and it’s the perfect hybrid between Classic Family Photography and Mini Sessions.

I have a feeling it’s the way of the future.

Winter Prairie Sessions

Saturday, November 30 and December 7, 2024


30 minute sessions

20 Edited Images

*Exclusions Apply

Minimalist Sessions.

Minimalist Sessions are the answer to budget-friendly family Photography.

They are similar to Mini Sessions in that there are days planned out with multiple spots available which Clients may sign up for. There is a set time slot and a specific number of images that will be delivered. The Photographer picks the date and location. The Photographer selects the top images and those are the only images Clients will see. It’s a streamlined version of family photography - which is why it can be affordable.

But there are some key differences between the typical Mini Session and my Minimalist Sessions.

My Minimalist Sessions are longer than typical Minis, which are 15 minutes with 5 minutes between each family. Whoever came up with that idea was thinking about maximizing profit and did not think about how stressful that is for both photographer and family! I tried this version out a while back and it was hard to feel like it was worth it for anyone involved.

My Mini Sessions are longer - 25 to 30 minutes depending on the location. I also take 10 minutes between so I don’t have to push away my clients as soon as their time is up. Because of this I do fewer sessions and my prices are higher than actual “Minis”, but my clients are happier and much more satisfied with their investment.

Instead of 5 to 10 images, I deliver 20 images (for the typical Minimalist Session) to my Clients. It’s still Minimalist, but it makes all the hard work it took to get the family there looking good so much more worth it.

**Each Minimalist “Mini” Session is different, see individual listings below for exact details.